CSC professor elected to rural education committee

Clark Gardener
Dr. Clark Gardener


A Chadron State College education professor, Dr. Clark Gardener, has been elected to the Executive Committee of the National Rural Education Association. He will serve on the committee three years.

The NREA is the oldest established national organization of its kind in the United States, dating back to 1907. Its primary interest is to maintain the vitality of rural school systems across the country.

Gardener has been active in the association since coming to Chadron State in 1990.

Members of the Executive Committee include rural school administrators, board members and teachers and representatives of state education agencies, educational service agencies and higher education.

This fall, Gardener will be teaching an on-line course called Rural School Education that addresses leadership in rural and small schools. A study completed by the NREA two years ago, showed that no courses specifically addressing rural education were being offered. Therefore, Gardener has developed such a course.

As a committee member, he plans to attend the NREA annual convention in Indianapolis in October. 

-CSC College Relations

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